速報APP / 生活品味 / Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Rel

Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Rel





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Relationship(圖1)-速報App

In happy relationships, there are five simultaneous relationships happening. Healthy relationships are based upon each person having a relationship with him-or-herself. The relationship with the self is the basic building block of a relationship. Both parties must have broken through their denial systems to some extent, achieved some modicum of honesty with themselves, and become willing to take responsibility for themselves. In general, each must be a person in his or her own right. If one does not have a relationship with the self, it is truly impossible to have a living process (healthy) relationship; it will not be possible to be honest with the "other" if one is not in contact with oneself.

This relationship with the self is a source of pleasure and expansion and needs time and nurturing in order to grow. In order to have a relationship with the self, it is necessary to have quiet time alone, time to enrich one's spirituality. A relationship with the self takes time. Truly having a relationship with our own process relates us to the process of the universe.

The next two relationships that occur in healthy relationships are each person's fantasized relationship with the other. Each person has a fantasy about what is go in on with the other and about who the other is. In healthy relationships, it is necessary to bring these fantasized relationships into the conscious self, explore them, and make them available to and share them with the others. These relationships can be the source of a lot of fun, and as long as we know them for what they are, can add richness to our relationship with ourselves and with others.

In this app we discuss about:

- Healthy Relationships For Beautiful Life

- 12 Stages of Healthy Relationship

Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Relationship(圖2)-速報App

- How to Fix Their 'Broken' Relationship

-10 Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship

- Make Your Relationship SUPER Strong

- 8 Communication skills for Married couples

- 12 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating

and much more relationship advice and tips inside the app. Download now for FREE.

Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Relationship(圖3)-速報App

If you want more information or anything else inside the app, please contact us from inside the app and we will contact you. If you find any bug or kind of problem, please contact us and we'll be happy to help you and sought out any problem.

Features of the app:

Can Use For Offline App

Updated regularly

You can ask questions from our experts

Simple app book Knowledge like pocket on your phone

Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Relationship(圖4)-速報App

You can also send us your suggestions and we will add them inside the app For more updates.

Relationship Advice and Tips-Healthy Relationship(圖5)-速報App